Rules And Regulations
  • 1- Punctuality and regularity in attendance is necessary.
  • Wearing clean school uniform is obligatory.
  • No leave is granted during school hours.
  • If a student continues to be absent from class for a month without intimation to the principal or class teacher, his/her name will be struck off the rolls and re admission of the child has to be made.
  • Parents are not permitted to visit any class room or teacher during school hours without prior permission of the principal.
  • Parents must encourage their children to participate in all school activities.
  • Children are not allowed to eat anything from the vendors. clean, Hygienics food must be packed by the parents for lunch of their wards.
  • It is compulsory for all students to speak in English. Parents must cooperate with the school authorities to develop this skill and the students to speak the language confidently.
  • The child should be collected from school with in half 'n' hour after it has closed.
  • The school Management committee reserve the right to change delete or add any rule without prior notice.