Founder's Message

Goswami English Speaking Centre (GESC) visualized today's the most demanded need of a common men for last almost 2 decades. It was English speaking; confined to only few families in the city. During this period, we could familiarized English speaking among students, house wives, parents & grand parents, teachers, business men & all those who needed it.

GESC become a symbol of friendly & genuinely learning place at the lowest possible expenses. We could habituate thousands of persons particularly those students, going to distance places for their higher studies.

Our main emphasis is to up lift those who can't afford English medium education but forced to adopt Hindi Medium unwillingly. Our slogans are,

We sincerly thanks to all those extended their co-operation love & trust upon us. We salute them for their favours.

C. G. Goswami
Ex Indian Navy & Bank officer