School Uniform

The School Uniform is available in the market. The wearing of School Uniform for the children of own school as specified from time to time, is compulsory, the wearing of the uniform is not only a ritual but very sacred as it brings about oneness amongst the children and responsibility in their attitude. For a healthy and fresh education it is very much necessary to be clean and tidy presence of a student in the farm of neat and clean uniform in appearance.


Play Group to VIIIth

Girl: Navy blue Tunics/Pants with straight lining.

Boy: Navy blue shorts/Pants with white straight lining.

  • White with navy blue collar blouse/shirt.
  • Black Polished Shoes.
  • White socks with navy blue strips.
  • Belt with school monogram.
  • School I-Card.
  • Alloted club dress is compulsory to wear on every Wednesday & Saturday from Class Ist onwards.


Play Group to VIIIth

Girl: Navy blue Tunics with straight lining.(with Black/Navy Blue leggings).

Boy: Navy blue Pants with white straight lining.

  • White with navy blue collar blouse/shirt.
  • Black Polished Shoes.
  • White socks with navy blue strips.
  • Belt with school monogram.
  • School Blazer/Navey blue "V" neck sweater with white "V" neak strips.
  • School I-Card.
  • Alloted club dress is compulsory to wear on every Wednesday & Saturday from Class Ist onwards.